Typically I post for a Friday, and once in awhile try to get another in during the week. However, on Thurs., besides being Todd's 25th birthday and Valentine's Day we will be setting up for a new ISP. Providing it all goes smoothly we'll have internet service only minimally disrupted-if you know what you're doing (which I don't.) . Todd is going to help and all I have to do is feed him :):). But just in case...here's my weekly post.
I mentioned in my last post that my friend LuAnn and I got together again for another Gelli Plate/Stencil play day. You can see the results of our first play day
here. LuAnn and I ordered some new stencils which had recently arrived and we just had to try them out!
The stencils were purchased online at
The Artist Cellar. Some of our fave new stencils we used are Sea Fan, Sea Foam, Mini Cubist, Mini Punchinella, the Cathedral Series and the Steampunk Series.LOVE them!!! We made a lot of papers-not all of them turning out the way we wanted -and tho it wasn't easy (right, other "L"?)-I convinced LuAnn to keep them and use them for more ghost printing or stencilling/stamping or even as a brayer mop off paper. They may end up transforming into something we love!
These are LuAnn's.Stamps and stencils were used on the first one.She used two of the steampunk stencils in the second one and two circle stencils(can't recall the exact names of these) and a BINGO stencil on the third.
These are two of mine.The first was a ghost print and foam stamps. The second was new stencil play-at top left is Paris Cathedral and bottom right is Sea Fan. I really hope to take more time soon to explore further with these fabulous stencils!
Jessica Sporn is hosting a new monthly challenge called
"Color This Quote" over at Artists in Blogland. The first prompt is the quote " Good friends are like quilts-they age you yet never lose their warmth." I am truly blessed with the most wonderful friends and so in creating this page my thoughts were with them.
This was done in my 8 1/2" x 11' journal.The page was covered with a decorative napkin I chose because I felt it had a warm,vintage quilt-like feel to it. Images are from
Paper Whimsy. I finished the page by drawing stitches around the words,images and edges of the page.
I mentioned that I'm taking a year-long online class called 52 Weeks of creative Abundance and so I have a few journal pages to share.
This is in a moleskine book so I'm keeping the art fairly flat and simple-it's more about the thoughts and discoveries. I used the direct-to-paper method using pigment ink pads. Lotus stencil is Crafter's Workshop which I purchased online from
Collage Stuff. Words were done with stamps and I added two chipboard birds from
ARTchix Studio. On the left page I journaled about what my natural rhythms are and when I am definitely going in the flow. Are you aware of YOUR natural rhythms? When do YOU best go with the flow?
Week 7:

The focus for Feb. is the word "release". Our creative prompt this week was to make a tag reminding us to think about what "release" means to us and what we want to release, let go of. The background was done like Week 6 pages. Swirl pattern was stamped on with white acrylic paint. I repeatedly wrote the prompt word at the bottom right then added my stamped and decorated tag. On the left is a representation of me releasing situations or people no longer conducive to my well being or happiness. How often do we hold on to things that we know in our heart of hearts aren't good for us-even toxic sometimes- and yet whether it's guilt or others' expectations we don't let go. Ask yourselfwho is benefiting by this. Is anyone?
I am really enjoying this empowering class of mindful self exploration and understanding so much!
Linking up this week ( I hope) to Color This Quote, Gelli Print Party, Art Journal Everyday, Paint Party Friday, Creative Every Day.
Thank you for your many kind comments and emails, and to my new followers-welcome!!
Happy Valentine's Day !!!!
and happy 25th valentine birthday Todd-LOVE YOU!!
"If at first you don't succeed, pretend you weren't really trying. "