Well, it was anyway-for two weeks! How are you lovelies??? Although I have neglected you and my own blog for (really???) almost 4 weeks I have thought of you often. It was my choice to completely unplug while away, and then when you get home to STUFF in addition to the cleaning, unpacking washing etc. etc. time gets away but you just have to grab it back, right? So here I am again with photos , art and good news to share-if you can bare with me to the end of this post:)
Above is a page I did while on vacation. I'll have other similar pages to share, thanks to Dianne of the T Stands For Tuesday gang over at Altered Book Lover, and the great little tutorial she provided in this post! The only bag of art supplies I took with me while away were supplies to do sketching, watercolor and collage-something I needed to continue work on-including my "Draw Your Awesome Life" class lessons.
The beach part:
We enjoyed so many gorgeous sunsets over the bay side, and a rainbow over the ocean!
We all ate very well, each taking turns cooking the dinners each nite. Some of our dinners included pasta primavera, caprese salad, lobster and champagne, and penne a la vodka-YUM!
We got a shopping day in and also had some fun modeling some new things:

Our sweet hostess and friend Lynne (second from left at top) gifted each of us ya ya sisters (beach goddesses) with a gorgeous scarf from Seville Spain! Of course she gave me a red one:):)
And not to be outdone by us girls-hubby had to have some modeling time in too:
Showing off the special shorts he bought especially for our lobster nite dinner (they have little black embroidered lobsters on them).
Lots of talk and laughter both on the ocean deck and bay deck, with cherished friends-it doesn't get better than this!
Even our Annie (who will be 14 in October) was a trooper despite all the coming and going and being tired.
In addition to some family drama I did come home to some great news too. Our son (who had to move back home a few weeks ago) has landed a good job right here in town after job searching the last 8 months!! It is in his field and he was so excited to begin today. And I received my complimentary issue of Holidays and Celebrations 2015 for having these two pieces published:
"America" 6" x 6" quiltie
"Erin Go Bragh" prayer flag
This is another journal page like the one I shared at the top of this post:
One more page to share:
This was inspired by Kim Dellow. Watercolor squares in which I quickly drew faces in ball point pen(yes it was scary) then made frames around each with Pitt pens.
Whew! Linking to Art Journal Journey, Art Journal Every Day, Art it Friday-Show Your Face, Express Your Creativity, Paint Party Friday, and T Stands For Tuesday. I am SO looking forward to reconnecting with you all again!
" The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings external joy to the soul." Wyland