Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Treat Yourself

 Really, where are these days going??? August is about over which means new themes for some of my favorite monthly challenges. However I am working on squeezing in one more Frida themed journal page for Art Journal Journey. Wasn't able to get it finished but here is the wip:

 You'll have to come back later this week to see it completed. 

 Today is for T Stands For Tuesday with Bleubeard and Elizabeth and my "t" is "treat". Hubby and I treated ourselves to a movie Fri eve. We saw The Hundred Foot Journey with Helen Mirren. I positively LOVED this feel good movie!! So much so, that I'm going to read the book and get the movie and soundtrack when it is released:) Hubby loved it too. If you've not heard of it, the premise is that an Indian family decides to open up an Indian restaurant in the south of France-just across from a posh Michelin star French restaurant. The actors were very well cast and the whole movie flowed so well. Lots of little laughs throughout but you did have to pay attention-or at least understand a bit of a French and also Indian accent. I guess the food theme put me in the mood to cook because I made this for dinner the next night:

 this is a Cooking Light recipe- Seared Salmon with Corn and Bacon Sauté-YUM! The "T"reat was the two slices of bacon I bought and used because we don't do bacon any more. My Mom stopped by with a bunch of huge peaches - too much for us so I used a few to make a peach pie:

                                                                 another "T"reat!

 As we are still having some really lovely mornings I decided to "T"reat myself to a special breakfast to enjoy outdoors (hubby was still sleeping)

  I made myself an omelette with egg substitute, 2 Tbsp. of fresh organic salsa, and a thin slice of gruyere cheese along with my Starbucks Sumatra blend coffee. Oh what a delight savoring my breakfast while listening to the birds and seeing one of the hummingbirds join me nearby. Life is good.

 I'll be checking in on you to see what you have done to treat YOURSELF recently-you deserve it!

   " If you don't treat yourself like number one then others will treat you like number two."   Unknown


  1. Your Frida is fabulous and so original Linda!
    I too saw the Helen Mirren movie and enjoyed each and every minute (I try to never miss a movie that she or Meryl Streep star in!)
    You've officially made me hungry Missy!
    Happy T Day to you ♥

  2. It's very early morning here, and your post now has my tummy screaming. Everything looks so delicious!

    Thanks for the movie review, I've been wanting to see that one, now I will put it on my "todo" list for sure.

    Happy T-day

  3. Oh wow. I see you are still also working on Fridas. I'm sure it was a very popular theme.

    Your food looks yummy. I would love to enjoy that omelet. I remember when I worked full time and went to school full time, the only time I had available to ME was Sunday. I used to sit on my deck and eat Sunday brunch, while drinking my wonderful french roast coffee. Not much has changed (grin).

    Thanks for sharing your art, your lovely food, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. It all looks yummy, looking forward to seeing Frida finished. Valerie

  5. oh, you are making me hungry!! yummy things you've cooked...and love Frida! she is always a favorite of mine. So colorful and exotic. happy T day!

  6. Love Frida and food looks delish! ~ happy week to you ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Those are very tasty treats! Hope we will still have some more summer days as a treat too.

  8. The salmon looks good :) I really like that colorful mug in your last photo. Happy T Tuesday!

  9. All your treats sound wonderful. Life is good. Happy T Day!

  10. Yummy looking treats you've been making. Happy Tuesday!

  11. Love your Freda, and eating breakfast while watching the birds.
    Food photos make me so hungry! Good thing they don't have too many calories! LOL!

  12. Your seared salmon and bacon looks so delicious - I'm sure it will be another recipe I shall try, and that peach pie!! You sure are a good cook :D I must say I love your plate too and your mug has lovely colours also, from what I can see :)
    Thank you for your visit to my blog. I'm glad you like my 'Fred Manatea'. I shall hope you get to swim with Manatees one day too :D

  13. I have that movie in my queue. Love Helen Mirren!
    What a lot of yummy looking food. Sumatra is one of my favorite coffees!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  14. Your Frida is so creative! I love her hair! Wonderful treat, I especially like the pie!

  15. Your Frieda is so bright and cheerful. All these yummy food is making me hungry.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my post.Only after you told me about the face on the page that I too realized about it-:)
    Wishing you a wonderful week

  16. Another great rendition of frida. I've not heard of that movie but I like the sound of it. Can I ask what is the egg substitute-I suspect it is probably something I can't get in the UK but you never know!

  17. Loving your Frida page!!! I need to try and squeeze in one more and then get ready for the 29 Faces in Sept challenge. So looking forward to this one :)

  18. I love your Frida art Linda and your colours and the background are beautiful.
    One of my friends saw the movie last weekend too and loved it - I might just take myself off to see it this weekend - I feel like some 'South of France'!!!


Thank you so much for your comments; it's a pleasure to connect with you!