Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fifty Shades of RED!

  Welcome to the new theme for the whole month of February at Art Journal Journey!

I am delighted to be guest host and have chosen the theme:
 "Fifty Shades Of Red"

Whether or not it is a color you typically use think about changing it up and challenging yourself.  Would love to have you join in and share your journal pages! Just be sure that red is the dominant color. Any subject or style is welcome!

A huge thank you to Susi and Valerie for hosting the AJJ blog and wowing us continuously with so many of your fabulous journal pages!

 A special thank you to Valerie for all the time you have put into AJJ for so long. Although you are stepping down from your role as host I know you will continue to inspire us with your art.

This is the rest of my journal spread for the beginning of the month:

Next time I'll share the other half of my February calendar. And perhaps some more valentine art too:):)

Also linking to Try It On Tuesday with the theme of "hearts and flowers", and Paint Party Friday. I'll be looking for you!

      "There is a shade of red for every woman." Audrey Hepburn


  1. Your theme is just great and I love your romantic example page dear Linda!I am looking forward to see your Valentine's art - you always make your things with so much LOVE and skillful!
    Thank you very much for being a host and I appreciate your lovely words for Valerie in your post, big thanks are appropriate- she will be missed for sure!
    oxo Susi
    Happy Day

  2. And THANK xou for joining us at Try It On Tuesday as well!
    Always great to see your art there!
    Much appreciated as you know ♥
    oxo Susi

  3. Lovely pages, and red is a wonderful colour. I will get my thinking cap on and join in the challenge when I can, great theme. Enjoy your special month! Hugs, Valerie

  4. A terrific theme for the month at AJJ Linda and your pages are wonderful.

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. This is a wonderful theme for February. Congrats on being chosen this month's host of AJJ. I think you have chosen well. I like everything about this page. I didn't realize it was a calendar until you shared it all.

    Wouldn't you know it, I've depleted my supply of red ink, but just bought some red acrylic paint. I hope to play soon.

  6. Congrats on being chosen as the host this month and RED is my FAVORITE color so you did well ♥♥♥♥ Your page is a great start to a an even greater month !

  7. Its a super new theme Linda. Your journal spread looks fantastic and thank you for joining us at TioT's as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Oh so sweet and romantic. I love your journal page. "All you need is Love" ... ever so true. Sending lots of cheers to you Linda :D)

  9. Red is a fabulous colour for this month and looking at the art work makes me feel all warm and loving inside!

  10. A great idea for your theme and it will definitely challenge me - I don't usually use much red! Looking forward to wearing my thinking cap! So pleased you linked this gorgeous page to Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  11. what a great title prefer your art to the book and film

  12. Great theme Linda - it will definately challenge me as although red is my hubby's favourite colour when it comes to choosing flowers I don't often use it as a main colour on a page :-). So I hope you like my entry today. Your calender journal pages capture February beautifully and The Beatles are quite right - All you need is love! Happy Friday and wishing you a lovely weekend! J :-)

  13. I really love this 50 shades of red theme. Of course red my favorite color. This is perfect for the challenge and time for Love.

  14. Beautiful art work using the red colors. Red is not in my wardrobe except for a short sleeved tee that I wear on 4th of July! Great job.

  15. I love your pages Linda.... this looks like your calendar journal. Really nice :)

  16. A fabulous page Linda and a great idea for a calendar journal.
    Thanks for sharing at TioT
    Avril xx

  17. Beautiful celebration of redness!

  18. I want to say ♥♥♥ THANK YOU ♥♥♥
    dear Linda!
    It was a fantastic theme for the month and you were such a charming hostess!
    You were great!

    You made us HAPPY!!!

    oxo Susi


Thank you so much for your comments; it's a pleasure to connect with you!