Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Many Reasons To Celebrate!

 How is everyone? I hope by now most of you in the Northern hemisphere are seeing true signs of spring. I am thrilled to see my lilac and forsythia bushes budding!

 It's going to be another crazy, busy week so my post will be a bit longer as it is my only one for this week.

 Last Thursday hubby and I went to support our local PBS station and to be part of the taping of the new show Celtic Thunder is putting on this year:

   Here we are with two of the CT members Neil Byrne and Ryan Kelly. They are the nicest guys! They just released their own CD and we have tickets to see them in town in a few weeks:) Not only that, but we have secured tickets for the new Celtic Thunder show in town in September and we got 5th row seats!!! I could have gotten the second row but I wanted an aisle seat so I could get up as often as I wanted without interrupting anyone behind me cuz I just gotta dance:)

 Saturday night we went with a group of friends for dinner and then a show at The State Theater in Easton-the same theater in which we recently saw Il Volo. Dinner was at River Grille and take my word for it , everyone's meals were amazing! Forgot my camera:(

  And since I did forget my camera for my T Stands for Tuesday gang over at Altered Book Lover I took this pic which is where I usually am with my coffee on Tuesday mornings:) Would love for you to join us-a diverse and fun group!

 Here is the show we caught after our dinner Saturday:

  This is the write up- if you are able read it-not sure if you can click for a larger image:

 What an absolutely AMAZING show!!!! Granted, they do NOT look like the Beatles, nor do they dress like them but all you had to do was close your eyes and you would swear you were at a Beatles concert!

 Last night I was at a girl's night hosted by our son's girlfriend Kyra -which also turned out to be a bit of a birthday celebration for me and it was SO nice to meet some of her family and friends!

 And today- well, it happens to be both my blogiversary (4th) and my birthday (??)! Yes,  "beware the Ides of March!"

 I remember when finally deciding to take the blogging plunge that I would coincide my first post on my birthday. Each year I have my previous year's posts made into a book so soon I'll have another printed:) Not doing much today. Todd and Kyra are getting take out and bringing it for dinner as hubby has to work until pretty late.

 Thursday is St. Patrick's Day and I always become Irish for the day. My dear friend LuAnn is taking me for lunch at our favorite Irish place to celebrate!


 Linking my card to the Simon Wednesday Challenge (A bit o' green).

Still with me? thank you!

 The top photo is the original and I just played with the other two to see her with brown, and green eyes. French newspaper was glued to the journal page and white washed with gesso. I then drew the girl using several colors of Stabilo All pencils going over areas with a wet brush. The background was painted with acrylic paint and then a stencil was used for the words.

  Linking this page to Art It Friday- Show Your Face; Moo Mania and More (theme is to use newspaper) and Paint Party Friday.

 I'll be around to visit as much as I can. Saturday I think we're going to the Artisan Wine Bar to see Lorenzo perform, and Sunday I just want to crash!!

 On this blogiversary I want to thank all of you for your many visits and comments. What an incredibly supportive, talented and caring community this is! XO

                                    Walls for the wind,
                                   And a roof for the rain,
                                 And drinks beside the fire-
                                   Laughter to cheer you,
                               And those you love near you,
                           And all that your heart may desire!
                                                                                          Irish Blessing


  1. Wishing you a wonderful birthday. Lots of congratulations on both that and your blog anniversary. Clearly this is a very auspicious day! Enjoy the celebrations.

  2. Hello Birthday Girl!
    You are a whirlwind of activity of late making such wonderful memories enjoying all of those fine performances and time spent with friends. I often say how wonderful and fresh all of the Beatles tunes still are after all these years.
    Enjoy your upcoming celebrations!
    Happy Happy Birthday to you dear Linda!!!
    Happy T Day and Happy St Paddy's Day too.

  3. seems you had a blast of a week!! great to remember... and then birthday plus blog anniversary, congratulations! cheers to you:)
    and happy t-day of course!

  4. Happy, happy birthday, Linda. If I'd known, I would have saved one of those muffins I bought. Oh wait, I still have one left, but I doubt it would get there in time for your to celebrate. I am also impressed that you started your blog on your birthday. I certainly didn't give mine that kind of thought.

    I have to tell Sally that you taped a promo for the PBS show. She will definitely be jealous, because she donates heavily to PBS.

    I adore your Irish inspired art this week, and the MM&M art with the newspaper is incredible.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your taping, your faux friends, your computer time, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday. Sounds like it's going to be another incredible week for you, dear.

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I become Irish for a day, too, and wear the green. :) Happy T Tuesday.

  6. Wow, what a birthday week you are having! It sounds like SO MUCH FUN! Happy birthday Linda. Hope your celebrations continue another week! Hugs-Erika

  7. Happy Birthday!
    Hope you get to continue to celebrate......and not just your birthday...:))
    Thanks for sharing all this week, very interesting post!

  8. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogerversary! What a wild and busy week yet you were still able to create such a pretty journal page and beautiful face! I like the first one best, the original I think. Have a fun birthday week and look forward to hearing all about it next week...or maybe the week after if you are recuperating. Hugs, Rasz!

  9. Lovely post, wonderful art and thanks or joining us at MM&M!! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  10. An Irish blessing to you too, and Happy Birthday! A fab post ;) and you are really making me want to see the Fab Faux! lovely lady drawing...and exciting activities here. you are really making the rounds of the concerts! happy T day!

  11. Happy Birthday and Blogoversary! Love the drawing on the French paper, all three colours look really great. Sounds like you are having quite a busy time of things with all those trips out... enjoy!! Happy T day to you! Annette

  12. Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary to you :)

    What a lovely long post.... full of fun things

    Glad you are having such a good time....

    Spring does feel like it is on its way.... it's been so lovely and sunny, beautiful blue skies and it has actually been warm. I love it! Not that we've had a really hard winter (ever;) but even so, it's nice.

    Karen xxx

  13. Thanks for the little package that will be arriving-I am going to keep my eyes open for it. :) Happy Birthday again!

  14. Lovely art work ~ love the card ~ portrait is lovely and very creative and such a wonderful social life you are leading ~ have fun and happy creating ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  15. Well Happy Birthday and BLogaversery!!!! Sounds like you are busy busy indeed and all good stuff :)

  16. Great post! I'm all for dancing in the aisles! Happy Birthday and blogaversary! Your faces great in different colours! Have a great week! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Happy Birthday dear Linda and Happy blog anniversary too.You seem to be having a super busy time-:) Your girl's face has turned out well. Wishing you a wonderful week

  18. happy birthday :) fabulous st. pats card :) and love your art journal pages!! thank you for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge

    Enjoy all the celbration and please send some spring in my direction as well as we had a lot of snow the last two days again and I am not thrilled about that.
    Your newspaper girl looks great! Thank you so much for
    joining us again at Moo Mania & More!
    I wish you all the best and I am always happy to read what you are up to.
    Happy blog♥anniversary!

    oxo Susi

  20. Happy Belated birthday. I just didn't make it to the T tuesday posts yesterday. Love the girl!!

  21. Well, you have been a busy woman!! Happy Belated Birthday my dear!! That wouldn't be Easton , PA would it??? I grew up there... Love seeing all your art... Amazing you find the time.. but ofcourse i'm busy with the house redo and i still find the time... We find time for the things that are important to us don't we? Hugs! deb

  22. You inspire me with your art journal pages. Belated Happy Birthday to you:-)

  23. You have had a busy week! Happy blobaversery! And thank you for sharing your week and your process in creating your lovely journal page!

  24. Happy belated birthday and blogday. Your week truly were busy, I hope your weekend will turn out good for you.

  25. Happy Birthday ;-) Lovely learning more about you and your art.... your little ladies are just wonderful.

  26. Happy Birthday and blogiversary Linda! Beautiful portrait I like all the different coloured eyes

  27. Happy birthday and happy Blogaversay Linda. What an exciting week with so many wonderful things to see and do. I hope the next year is just as exciting and special for you.
    I love your blog banner. It was a wonderful reminder for me this morning.
    Again, happy birthday. Enjoy your special day.

  28. What a lovely face.
    Happy PPF xx

  29. Happy birthday and blog anniversary!

    You've had a fun and busy week!

  30. Although I have Spanish and Italian roots, I always claim to be Irish by marriage, because of my wife. Hence, I've grown to love Celtic music and artwork. I love your portrait and how you played around with different color schemes. Have fun at your concerts. Have a blessed birthday and blogaversary, my dear friend!

  31. Happy PPF, and a happy birthday too Linda!

  32. Happy Belated Birthday beautiful lady... I thought it was longer than four years you've been blogging. I feel like I've known you for years!! So happy to have met such an amazing loving soul!! You deserve everything wonderful on your Birthday and everyday! I hope you have many celebrations of love!! Thanks for blogging and letting us all peek into the beautiful spirit that is you!! Congratulations on 4 blog years!! Mine is the end of the month!!

    Hugs Giggles

  33. Happy PPF and Happy Birthday Linda

    much love...

  34. happy birthday and blogiversary... this is a post filled with the joy, sharing and creativity you bring to all your posts...xx

  35. Quite a week... Happy Birthday and Blogiversary to you!
    It all sounds and looks wonderful.
    Thanks for taking the time to share. Happy PPF to you too xoxo

  36. Sounds like you're having great fun, a fabulous post and I love that Irish blessing at the end too!

  37. Happy Birthday!!! Happy Blogiversary! Wishing you all the best! Happy PPF!

  38. Happy birthday and blog-day! Sounds like a wonderful day. Love the portraits. Happy PPF! xo

  39. What a busy girl you are. Happy birthday may your wishes come true. Lovely art too.

  40. Very pretty face x

  41. Happy belated birthday!! What a great idea to have all your blogposts printed and bound.

  42. Happy belated birthday and blog anniversary! Hope you had a great day. Wow, really sounds like you had a busy week, but good thing you had time for a bit of art making too. Your portrait looks lovely!

  43. Belated Happy Blogiversary wishes! theresa mARTin

  44. LOVE your pages, so creatively and thoughtfully done. Sounds like your life is busy with music and dining...good for the spirit! Enjoy!!


Thank you so much for your comments; it's a pleasure to connect with you!